Autumn is one of our favourite seasons here at WAHF; the colours, the crackling fire and any excuse to cuddle our dogs under a cosy blanket! But this time of year also brings a whole host of challenges – not only do walkies get a whole lot muddier, but holidays Guy Fawkes and Halloween can prove pretty scary for your dog, especially new arrivals! So we’ve put together some survival tips for the season ahead…
What is a fun evening full of costumes and candy for us, can be unsettling for our dogs. Not only are there unfamiliar costumes but there’s strange people knocking at the door, so try these tips for a less spooky All Hallow’s Eve.
Flea treatment
It’s likely that treating fleas is already a part of your dog’s healthcare routine. But did you know that Autumn is primetime for dormant eggs to ‘wake up’ in the warmth of our central heating? Yes, it’s gross but it also makes now the perfect time to treat your home and soft furnishings – as well as your pets!
November 5th can be one of the trickiest nights of the year for dog-lovers around the world, especially if you have firework-loving neighbours nearby. With their loud bangs and high-pitched squeals, fireworks aren’t something your dog can easily be familiarised with, which explains why 45% of dogs show some kind of fear or distress come fireworks night.
Where possible, do try to introduce your dog to loud noises and high-pitched sounds early on. We don’t suggest regularly hosting firework displays throughout the year but a specifically-designed desensitisation CD can be played either when your dog is still young, or in the weeks leading up to fireworks season. Just be sure to take it slow, and stop at any point your dog shows signs of distress.
On the night itself, try the following tips to keep your companion calm and settled.
Hidden hazards
Antifreeze, unlit bonfires and Halloween candy are all hazards that come with the changing of seasons, but some hazards are hidden. For example, did you know that conkers and acorns are toxic to dogs? So too is the blue-green algae that forms on the surface of lakes and ponds, particularly dangerous for the avid-swimmers amongst us. We hope our tips give you the confidence to embrace Autumn with your furry companions by your side.